Handling Eye Drops


Eye drops are sterile drugs administered into the eyes. They are sterile because whatever gets into your eyes can get into your blood and body. Hence, eye drops have to be handled with care.

Tips on handling Eye drops

  1. If your eye dropper does not come pre-punctured, avoid the temptation of opening the dropper with just any sharp object. It is important to remember that eye drops are sterile and you do not want to contaminate it. Therefore, a new needle can be used to open the dropper.
  2. While applying your eye drop, avoid the tip of the dropper touching your eyes to reduce the risk of contamination. You can pull down the skin under your eyes and apply into the pocket.
  3. It is important to note that eye drops are to be discarded a monthafter opening irrespective of the date on the pack. There are very feweye drops that can be discarded within maximum of three months afteropening irrespective of the expiry date on the pack.
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